Goddess Session Series – Hannah

First and foremost, if you are willing, can you share a bit about what drew you to want to do a Goddess Session? 

For me, this Goddess session was the celebration and the liberation of my body, femininity and sexuality.  This marked the end of a journey for me – over the last three years my body has been through a transformation.  It’s been poked, prodded, adjusted and undergone huge change. This time was the ultimate celebration to say to myself, this is your body – know her again and celebrate. Settle in and reconnect.  When all things fell perfectly into place and the shoot was able to happen on my favourite beach in the world, with my best friends close by, it felt right.

What do you think is one of the biggest challenges women face in our culture today? Do you have a personal experience you can relate?

What if as women we could unapologetically celebrate our bodies for what they do, where they’ve taken us and where they will take us?

For years, I’ve been fed messages about my body: “hide your body”, “its too large”, “too curvy”, “cover up”. Women are constantly being fed these messages. I grew up with my body so heavily ridiculed; I grew up not knowing or trusting how to be in my body. I tried to navigate and to exist in a world constantly telling me to change, to look different and manipulate my body – yet this powerful body did so much for me. These messages became ingrained in me and saturated the way I carried myself.  This societal influence and construction of womens bodies impacts the way we look, how we behave, how we carry ourselves, how we make decisions and degrades our trust in our own intuition.

I remain on a constant journey – learning to trust myself, celebrate my body positivity and truly live in my skin. Learning to navigate who I want to be without internalizing judgements around me and intentionally denying the messages that are in our society. It has taken me many lessons, heartbreaks, and a continued journey to live in this skin.

When you hear the word Goddess, what do you think of?

An essence, feeling deeply connected inward to self, core and emotions.  They are free and wild while connected to their sensuality.  They have strong beliefs, supports their community; they are  passionate and empowers others.  They have vision and deeply reflect on their position in society and privilege that may exist in their community.  They celebrate their beauty, sexuality and femininity.

What do you think is the value of having these Goddess Session photos of yourself?

When I shared with my community about this experience, the questions I got were: “who are the pictures for?”  “What are you going to do with the pictures?”  “Who gets to see them?”

Doing a goddess session is a journey and an experience – it is not just about the actual photo shoot or the photos you get after.  There is a deeply personal experience within it – in the preparation and in the reflection afterwards.  I asked myself – what can I release? What did I need to let go of to fully commit to this experience and feel liberated? This process for me was not about self-indulgence but about the normalization of feminine sensuality, sexuality and feeling this in my body & mind.

Our bodies and how we move through the world in our bodies is deeply vulnerable and beautiful.  There has been value in the whole process for me and the photos are a reminder of the feeling of liberation and celebration that I experienced on that beach.

I look at these pictures and I see freedom, my beauty, my sexuality, my curves, the strength of my body, my scars, my muscles and I am PROUD.  It tells my story.  So often we are told having self-confidence is arrogance or too self-indulgent.  Why do I have to be humble, quiet about loving my body?  Loving and accepting our bodies is work, with external factors telling us otherwise each day.  It is an everyday intentional action to love and accept our bodies.

As a woman, what makes you feel ‘wild and free’?

I continue to be fed messages, as I celebrate my body louder than ever before.  I am “ too sexy,” “too proud, “too extra.”  I’m gently suggested to cover up, show less and blend in more.  I am learning how to hear these statements and know that they are not mine to internalize.  They do not serve me, they do not feed my soul or reflect me.

What if there was freedom in celebrating our bodies – in whatever form, however we choose to identify and the way we choose to express ourselves.   What if as women we revolted against the idea that loving and celebrating our bodies is an act of arrogance.  What if we truly learn to love the body we are in and want to show it off and celebrate its beauty without shame.  What if as women, we didn’t have to be ashamed to be overtly sexual or sensual?

Following my intuition, being connected to my emotions, my spirit and listening to my heart makes me feel wild and free.  There is freedom in moments of solace, quiet and deep reflection.  There is freedom when I am loud, feminine, connected to powerful emotions and being bold in my body.

What is your connection to nature?

The stairs I sat on for my goddess session are one of my favourite places in this world – behind is rich forest and in-front a beautiful rocky beach.  Hornby island is where I grew into a woman.  This spot is where I come to connect back to myself, to reflect, to feel grounded again.  It was a magical evening – the sun was setting, the wind was a strong force  and the ocean was wild and fierce.  There was this beautiful connection between my body and mother nature with the elements reflecting how I was feeling – wild, free and bold just as I am.

Find out more about the Goddess Session HERE, and get in touch now for YOUR Goddess Session.